Archived BIM Videos
To learn more about important BIM topics, such as its implantation, management, and dynamic applications, check our archived BIM videos below. They contain useful information for professionals across a number of fields. Whether you’re seeking resources for BIM planning or 3D BIM mapping, you’ll find helpful details in our collection.
What is BIM?
Building information modeling, or BIM, is the management of information through the whole life cycle of a built asset through digital modeling, from initial design to construction, maintaining, and finally de-commissioning.
BIM is all about collaboration--between engineers, owners, architects, and contractors in a three-dimensional virtual construction environment (Common Data Environment), and it shares information across these disciplines.
BIM allows design and construction teams to communicate, design, and coordinate information across levels never before seen. This information remains with the project, prior to construction and throughout its lifetime. It also helps analyze potential impacts.
Imagine (What BIM Could Do)
Top 3 BIM Myths Dispelled
BIM Maturity///Easy as 123
What is 5D BIM?
Top 10 BIM Acronyms Explained
What BIM Won’t Do
Levels of Definition Explained
What is a “BIM Model?”
What Happens If I Don’t Do BIM?
What is 4D BIM?
What is 6D BIM?
What Do Those Big Words Mean?
What Do the BIM Levels Mean?
Contact us with questions or concerns about the archived BIM videos above.